Wednesday, December 8, 2010

EOC WEEK 10: Up In The Air

I loved this movie "Up In The Air"! This movie was funny and constructive. It gave you an idea of today's reality and the economy and on the other hand it was funny because people are fired everyday and there's just no nice way to put "your fired". I thought it was creative how George Clooney fires the guy and inspires him to have a new beginning. A better life for his children. When the reality of it is hes going to be searching for a job for the next few months or even years. I thought it was funny how the girl thought she knew what she was doing and then George showed her the real deal! I takes a lot to be able to turn a bad situation to good, especially when you are telling someone that aren't going to be receiving a paycheck anymore. I think some good skills Clooney used in the movie were, turning the tables from bad to good, pointing out the benefits, and just being realistic as well. This movie kind of reminds of "Thank You For Not Smoking"movie where he tries to enhance the idea of cigarette smoking. That movie illustrates the same idea, turning something bad to good. You kind of have to be a bullshitter to have that job. I have only been fired once but I knew it was coming because I got into a physical fight with somebody, so I wasn't saddened by my job loss. I am not sure what I would do if I really relied on my paycheck to support a family or a home and then I suddenly lost my job. I know I wouldn't want somebody telling how its going to be good for a change in my life, after I just lost my job.

BOC WEEK 10 Getting Fired

I have had to fire someone before when I was a manager at Brueggers Bagels. I hated having to do it, because it was a friend, or I thought! I had this really hard working employee by the name of Rachel and she was the best! She always did everything in a timely manner and always worked any hours I needed. I really appreciated her and also started building a bond with her and became her friend. I caught her stealing form the tip jar first, then she started stealing product. I did not let her go the first time, but I wrote her final warning and made her apologize to her employees and pay them back what they would've gotten in tips. She also agreed to writing a letter of apology to the owner in order for her to keep her job, normally she would've been let go immediately. So a few weeks went by and everything was fine. I was leaving the company to move to Minnesota and had put in my 2 week notice. In the two weeks she managed to steel again and I had to fire her, but the hard part was that I had just moved in with her for a few weeks before I was off to Minnesota. This was one of the hardest things to do. I had to put it to her as if she wasn't being loyal as a friend, to have put my job in jeopardy as well. I had to show her the proof on video even. She felt very bad and admitted to it. I was thankful I was leaving to Minnesota since it was awkward living with someone I had to fire. I think the worst part was that I actually gave her a second chance and wanted the best for her in general as a person.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

WEEK 9 EOC : Personal Freedom vs Union Membership

What would you do if you wanted to work for a company and you had to join the union to get the job?

If I wanted to work for a company and had to join a union, I would have to research it first before I joined. I think some unions offer good benefits within the union if I found a opportunity I couldn't pass up I would probably join. I don't like the idea that its almost like a contract though.

If the union went on strike for something I didn't agree with I am not sure what I would do. Do you have to go through with the strike just because you are with the union? Other issues I would be concerned with if I had to BELONG to a check would be if I would for sure get paid or if they could keep my paycheck for some reason or another.

WEEK 9 BOC : History of Labor Unions in the United States

"Trade unions really exploded in the United States during the nineteenth century with the founding of the first national union, the National Labor Union. It was created in 1866 and was not exclusive to any particular kind of worker." (

I didn't understand the reasons behind having a union, but I understand now that its just merely the same as having someone backing you up. I understand that also when in a union job you can receive different benefits and or disadvantages too. I hadn't realized that unions have been established for so long. Also the fact that you can have a union for any type of occupation. 

"Today, unions still serve the same purposes for which they were originally founded. Current union agendas include ending child labor, increasing wages, raising the standard of living for the working class, and providing more benefits to both workers and their families. If you are interested in learning more, information about modern unions can help." (

My question to this is can anyone form a union for whatever they want? Or do they have to go through a special process? If anyone can create a specific union wouldn't everyone have a union then! Do you have to have money to create a union or ownership within the company? 

"You will need a union authorization card. Contact a union organizer to help you and to guide you to open a union. Set the date of union election and campaign to keep potential union members." ( 
This is a start to getting a union going. There are several rules and regulations to follow before starting a union. Starting a union to me seems pointless, overrated, and very time consuming. I don't know that I would ever join a union, it depends on what is offered in the union and if it would benefit me.